Rawat Matrimonials
From Matrimony.com Group
Rawat Matrimonials
From Matrimony.com Group
HELP: INDIA +91-8144778866
Grievance Officer

Mr. Khader Mohiadeen
Contact Address :M/s. Matrimony.com Limited,
No.94, TVH Beliciaa Towers, Tower - 2,
5th Floor, MRC Nagar, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu - 600028
Email: grievanceofficer@matrimony.com

Grievance Form Only for Public Complaints relating to content on the site

* Mandatory Fields


Your Name


Your E-Mail ID


Your Contact Number


Please mark the web portal which hosts the issue(s) encountered by you :


Please share the link (URL) of the Page which you are reporting against :


Please tell us the reason for your complaint/concern. Choose an option which most closely matches with your concern. If you are unsure which option to choose, please select the last option. Thanks

The content exposes personal data while violating Terms & Conditions and/or Privacy Policy of concerned website.
The content is grossly harmful, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic and/or unlawful in any manner.
The content threatens the unity, integrity, defence, security or sovereignty of India and/or friendly relations with foreign states.
The content infringes a patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights.
The content encourages money laundering or gambling.
The content hosts software viruses or any other computer code designed to harm the functionality of any computer resource.
The content harms minors in any way.


Please describe your complaint/concern in detail